Ormskirk Mark Installation
13th November 2014
Members and visitors were privileged to witness an excellent Installation ceremony when Bro.Mark Holloway was installed into the chair of Adoniram by the Installing Master W.Bro. Mike Melling. W.Bro Melling was well supported by Past Masters of the lodge with the addresses to the new officers.
Installing Master Mike Melling congratulates the W.M.
  W.Bro.Kenneth Alker Representing Officer
congratulates the new W.M.
W.Bro. Ken Alker the P.G.Ms repesentative  extended the congratulations and best wishes of the P.G.M.to the new Master Bro.Mark Holloway and to all present.
The W.M. Bro.Mark Holloway with Grand Lodge Officers
The meeting was followed by an excellent Festive Board,at which W.Bro.Alker had the pleasure of presenting the W.M.with a cheque from the West Lancashire Mark Charities made payable to the Haematology Research at MRI,who are doing research into rare forms of cancer, one of which sadly claimed the life of Mrs. Holloway a short time ago, the presentation was much appreciated by W.Bro. Mark and met with great acclaim from all present. 
Report and Photgraphs by Brian Molyneux